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London is a fascinating city because it offers such diverse opportunities for interaction, particularly as an architect, urban designer or artistic activist. During the six years I have spent in London the city has changed dramatically. The skyline is constantly transforming and down on the ground new urban practices have been seeking out and finding territories in which to operate and intervene in. A major part of our work with osa focuses on those areas of the city which tend to be overlooked, forgotten or abandoned. All over London you can find these neglected sites that invite exploration and engagement. They offer up a rich resource of histories and structures with which to work and create temporary projects that explore their innate potential and the possibilities for positive future development.
The work of the Office for Subversive Architecture (osa) sits somewhere between art and architecture with recent projects exploring the way people use and interact with public spaces. osa is well known for addressing issues relating to urban regeneration. osa is a network of 8 full time architects in 5 different cities and 3 different countries.

primavera romana. geografie dell'oltrecittà - Rom, Romani, Rumeni Concittadini da tutto il mondo, così inizia lappello di Stalker/On (il laboratorio di Arte Urbana che nasce a Roma nel 1995, e che, sulla scia di landartisti, lettristi, situazionisti, dada e surrealisti, fa del camminare una pratica artistica). L'elenco avrebbe potuto essere più lungo e includere curdi, albanesi, moldavi, polacchi, ucraini, perfino romanisti e laziali. Un invito a camminare insieme per i tre mesi della primavera lungo il Grande Raccordo Anulare, per scoprire il volto della città che sta nascendo (cosa sta diventando Roma?), ma anche per provare ad immaginare, con il contributo di tutti, comitati, coordinamenti, realtà e comunità presenti sul territorio, singoli cittadini, una vita diversa. Riteniamo continua Stalker nel programma invito - , che questa crisi economica, politica e sociale porterà necessariamente ad una trasformazione strutturale del sistema. Non intendiamo pianificare questo necessario cambiamento per non fargli violenza, né resistergli per non fare a noi o ad altri violenza. Vorremmo averne cura, aiutarlo ad aver luogo in maniera più spontanea ed ecologica, cercando di evitare inutili conflitti, o meglio, aiutando questi conflitti ad evolversi in relazioni complesse, innovative e creative.
La partenza è fissata per il 21 marzo, il giorno dellEquinozio di Primavera, ma anche la Giornata Mondiale per l'eliminazione della Discriminazione Razziale, la XIV edizione della Giornata della Memoria e dell'Impegno in ricordo delle vittime promossa da Libera, associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le mafie, la prima Giornata del Mediterraneo e da tempo immemorabile il capodanno zoroastriano che ancora oggi Curdi e Iraniani festeggiano; infine il 21 marzo 2007 è stata la 1° Giornata Europea per la Raccolta Differenziata. E il viaggio comincia proprio incontrando il Comitato di Malagrotta impegnato in una battaglia cittadina sui rifiuti e nel fronteggiare la realizzazione della prossima centralità urbana da 2.000.000 di metri cubi.
Per informazioni ulteriori:

savorengo ker. a house for everybody 

Savorengo Ker (in the Romani language “house for everyone”) was an experimental self-built housing project, born from the co-operation of Stalker/ON, the Urban Studies Department of Rome University and the local Rom community. It sat in the oldest Rom Camp in town, Casilino 900 but it burnt down on the night of last December 12th.
Around 650 people, coming from Ex-Yugoslavia, live in Casilino 900, which forty years ago was a landingplace for Southern-Italian immigrants.Savorengo Ker was meant as an alternative to containers and slums, a prototype whose value lay more in the thought generating it rather than its architectural value. It was a model able to activate a cultural co-operation in which the usual urban outcast become a protagonist, a system of civil involvement to improve the camp life conditions.
The project was presentend at “Housing Italy”, the Italian Pavillion of the Venice Biennale – which, despite the criticism, outlined a problem that contemporary metropolises cannot ignore anymore.
At the same price of a 32 square-meters container, it’s possibile to build a wooden, two-storey, dignified house able to host different activities: a children’s room to play and study, a medical center and a working cooperative to help the homeless – whatever their nationality.
It is not sure whether the fire was accidental or intentional, but the battle against ethnic prejudices records this event and finds new nourishment. As a matter of fact, on the day after the disaster the Casilino 900 blog openly talked about a denied opportunity, first broken by bureacratic and politically captious objections led by the mayor of Rome himself since last July, when Savorengo Ker was supposed to be completed and inaugurated. Not to forget we’re all foreigners, as Stalker practice sharply teaches.

philippe petit. world trade center

'I observed the tightrope 'dancer'—because you couldn't call him a 'walker'—approximately halfway between the two towers. And upon seeing us he started to smile and laugh and he started going into a dancing routine on the high wire....And when he got to the building we asked him to get off the high wire but instead he turned around and ran back out into the middle....He was bouncing up and down. His feet were actually leaving the wire and then he would resettle back on the wire again....Unbelievable really....[E]verybody was spellbound in the watching of it.' Sgt. Charles Daniels, police officer

dziga vertov. man with a movie camera. 1929

Je suis le ciné-oeil. Je suis l'oeil mécanique. Moi, machine, je vous montre le monde comme seul je peux le voir. (...) C'est là que nous travaillons, nous maître de la vue, organisaterus de la vie visible (...) maîtres des mots et des sons, les virtuoses du montage de la vie...
Dziga Vertov